Former Undergraduate Students
Raman Sharma
Project Title: DDQ Test Generation for Regular Circuits, Spring 1996
Anuj Agarwa
Project Title: ATPG for Regular Circuits, Summer 1996
Prakash Guda
Project Title: FSM Test Generation, Spring 1997
Brian Prasky
Project Title: ATPG for One Dimensional Arrays, Summer 1998
Nathan Drees
Project Title: On the Understanding of Crosstalk on Dynamic Logic Misbehavior, Summer 1999
John Gunter
Project Title: On the Understanding of Bridging Shorts on Dynamic Logic Misbehavior, Summer 1999
Michelle Kruvczuk
Project Title: Manufacturing Corner Analysis of New Dynamic Logic Families, Summer 1999
Adrian Drury
Project Title: Testing Digital Circuits on the Teradyne J941 VLSI IC Tester, Summer 1999
Reena Singhal
Project Title: Test Cost Modeling, Spring 2000
Michael Menietti
Project Title: BIST via Ring Counters, Fall 2000 and Spring 2001
Anirudh Shah
Project Title: Layout-based Neighbor Identification, Fall 2002 and Spring 2003
Emiko Oforitsenere
Project Title: Economic Yield Recovery Model for VPGA, Spring 2003
Nishant Patil
Project Title: Macrofault Modeling of Spot Contamination Induced Bridge Defects, Fall 2004
Derrick Losli
Project Title: Salvaging ALU Functionality via Behavioral Failure Diagnosis, Spring and Fall 2007
Henry Teng
Project Title: Statistical Analysis of Test Data, NSF REU, Summer 2007
Chukwuemeka Uchenna Ezekwe
Project Title: Test Relaxation for Physically-Aware N-Detect, Summer 2008
Ibrahima Komara
Project Title: Sensitivity Analysis of Diagnosis Accuracy on Fail Data Volume, Summer 2009
Chengjou Liao
Project Title: Limited Multiple Fault Analysis using Real Silicon Fail Data, Summer and Fall 2009
Chongzhe Li
Project Title: Diagnosis Sensitivity to Test Measurement Data Volume, Chinese Exchange Student, Fall 2009
Vincent Liu
Project Title: Sensitivity Analysis of Diagnosis Accuracy on Fail Data Volume, Summer 2010
Shonda Bell
Project Title: Physically-Aware Netlists, Summer 2010
Thomas Tzou
Project Title: Automatic Macrofault Generators, Spring and Summer 2010
Nancy Zhang
Project Title: Virtual Trojan Circuit Creation for FPGAs, Spring 2011
Martyn Romanko
Project Title: Fault Detection, Diagnosis, and Tolerance within ALUs, Summer 2010
Idryiys Harris
Project Title: Web-based Interface for Virtual Fail Data, Summer 2011
Saurabh Suryavanshi
Project Title: Trojan Detection in FPGAs, Summer 2011
Joe Zischkau
Project Title: Web-based Interface for Virtual Fail Data, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012
Harsh Shrivastava
Project Title: TRAX Fault Model Evaluation, Summer 2012
Solomon Sia
Project Title: Systematic Defect Identification, Summer 2013
Julian Binder
Project Title: FPGA Implementation of SLIC on FPGAs, Fall 2014 and Spring 2015.
DJ Park
Project Title: Implementation of Secure JTAG via Statistical Learning in Chip on a FPGA, Fall 2014 and Spring 2015.
Jaime Kang
Project Title: Physically-Aware Diagnosis of Defective FPGAs, Spring 2015.
Francisco Pimentel Torres
Project Title: FPGA Implementation of SLIC-J on FPGAs, Summer 2015.
César Carpinteiro
Project Title: FPGA Implementation of Dynamic KNN, Summer 2015.
Anthony Jin
Project Title: SCAN-PUF Silicon Data Analysis, Summer 2015.
Chad Malinowski
Project Title: Bijective Functional Analysis for Effective LCV Implementation, Summer 2015.
Paul Griffioen
Project Title: Robust Adder Design using LPDC, Summer 2015.
Nathan Slager
Project Title: Test Silicon Data Analysis for Fault Model Evaluation, Summer 2015.
Joey Fernau
Project Title: Interval Arithmetic for Video Game Enhancement, Summer 2015.
Rohan Saigal
Project Title: Deciphering the ENIGMA, Fall 2015.
Evaline Ju
Project Title: Hardware Implementation of BIG DATA Learning Algorithms, Spring 2016.
Abhinand Sukumar
Project Title: Hardware Optimization of Decision Tree Learning, Spring 2016.
Jonathan Engle
Project Title: Machine-Learning Based Test Validation Optimization, Summer 2016.
Andrew Davis
Project Title: Machine-Learning Based Test Validation Optimization, Summer 2016.
Aditya Ramesh
Project Title: Neural Network Hardware Implementation for Online Training and Usage, Summer 2016.

Advanced Chip
Test Laboratory.
The Advanced Chip Test Laboratory (ACTL) at Carnegie Mellon University develops and implements data-mining techniques for improving the security, operation, design, manufacturing and testing of integrated systems. Our research involves data-mining algorithm development, data analysis, chip design, testing and diagnosis in collaboration with various industrial partners that currently include Google, Broadcom, Qualcomm and GlobalFoundries. The founder and head of ACTL is Prof. Shawn Blanton.